Submitted by Jean Butzen on June 12, 2009 - 09:41

A Podcast on Nonprofit Mergers for your Next Board Meeting



Do you have trouble getting your board members to attend a governance training? Then here is a great solution for you. The Board Star podcasting program On Being Board is designed for busy board members.  This on-line training service provides almost 100 governance topics in 8 to 10 minute brief podcasts which are designed to be played and discussed at board meetings. The podcasts can be downloaded for free via I-Tunes so you really have no excuse not to use this service.  The podcasts are produced by The Nonprofit Management Fund, based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin headed by Pat Wyzbinski, and are funded by the Northwestern Mutual Foundation . Board Star's mission is to strengthen nonprofit boards and On Being Board is only one of their programs. Recently, yours truly was taped for broadcast on the topic of Nonprofit Strategic Re-Structuring. Take a listen here to my podcast and even better, download it for your next board meeting and discuss whether or not strategic re-structuring should be in your nonprofit's future. And while you're at it,  join Board Star and start getting their downloads via e-mail.