Social Value Blog

"Part 2: More on Why Hawaiian Nonprofits Said 'Aloha' to Distinctive Merger'

Submitted by Jean Butzen on September 17, 2008 - 09:16

"Part 2: More on Why Hawaiian Nonprofits Said 'Aloha' to Distinctive Merger'

In August, I wrote a blog entry about three nonprofit in Maui, Hawaii who came together through a merger announced in June of this year: Maui Youth & Family Services, Aloha House

Hawaiian Nonprofits Say 'Aloha' to Merger, in their Own Distinctive Way

Submitted by Jean Butzen on August 8, 2008 - 08:01

Hawaiian Nonprofits Say 'Aloha' to Merger, in their Own Distinctive Way

 I am a strategic re-structuring consultant and I love to collect stories about nonprofit mergers and partnerships. Daily I find cases in my in-box from all over the country, and most are so run-of-the-mill that they are not distinctive enough to write about in my blog, but today I have one that is.

60 Ways to Leave your Merger Partner or When a Board Just Can't Say 'I Do'

Submitted by Jean Butzen on March 26, 2008 - 03:54

60 Ways to Leave your Merger Partner or When a Board Just Can't Say 'I Do'

I collect lots of stories from the web about nonprofits that have successfully completed mergers, but only rarely do I find stories about two nonprofits that fail so miserably at a merger attempt that it makes the news. One such case came to my attention last month and makes for a great opportunity to talk about all the reasons people leave their merger partner.

Mergers Are Better for Growth than Economic Gain

Submitted by Jean Butzen on January 17, 2008 - 06:21

Mergers Are Better for Growth than Economic Gain

One of the best ways to learn about nonprofit mergers is to read about other people's experiences. One very thoughtful piece I have recently read is called From Corner Cafe to Corporation: The Inspiration Corporation Merger Experience,  which highlights the benefits of a merger as a strategy for growth.